How to get started
This will be edited as time goes on to better suit the ever changing conditions of the server!
Starting out
Make sure to choose a starter by Pressing M or G
Type /kits and claim your Starter Kit
Do /vote to see a list of websites you can vote on [Currently 1-8 work, #9 doesn't]
Head through one of the waterfalls to choose a realm
You can do a 180 when you spawn or /spawn or /server hub and go up the path to the Nether portal to reach the Nether realm, or you can drop down instead of going up the path, and then do another 180 to get to the End portal to go to the End! (You can also do /server nether or /server end.
The Nether and End have weekly resets (Sunday/Mondays)
Basic Commands
/bal - Shows your Poke Balance
/rtp - Randomly Teleports you within your current realm
/pokegift [slot 1-6](Left bar on your screen) [username] - Example: /pokegift 3 llHimikoll (Will gift llHimikoll the pokemon in Slot 3) -- Please note you need to be in the same realm for this to work!
/gts - Brings up a Global Trading System for items and pokemon
/gts add item [slot1-9] [price]
/gts add pokemon [slot1-6] [price]
/warps - Brings up a gui to player and server warps
Notable Places
Event Realm
We hold events allowing players to interact with custom mini-games/events that we've set up, with a chance to win lots of prizes!
To access crates you do /spawn and then go forward a little bit to the NPCs and turn right.
Vote Keys you can get from /vote (1-8 Links work #9 doesn't),
---Will continue to be updated as needed---
If I miss anything or you have suggestions, please feel free to DM me and I can add more content here!
Last updated