Arcanine Demonic Wolf AxeArcanine Demonic Wolf BowArcanine Demonic Wolf CrossbowArcanine Demonic Wolf Fishing RodArcanine Demonic Wolf HoeArcanine Demonic Wolf PickaxeArcanine Demonic Wolf ShovelArcanine Demonic Wolf SwordArcanine Demonic Wolf ShieldBaxcalibur Blizzard WeaponChien-Pao Winter Lynx WeaponEmpoleon Ice Emperor SwordFroslass Ice Queen WeaponHoopa GauntletInfernape Saiyan WeaponKoraidon Holiday Spirit WeaponLilipup Magical Puppy Fishing RodLokix Rider SwordLokix Zero-One WeaponLucario Saiyan WeaponMeowstic of the Six Eyes BowMewtwo Platinumstar WeaponNinetales Ninja WeaponObstagoon Shinigami WeaponPalafin Number One Hero PickaxeRaichu Gear Five WeaponShiftry Nutcracker SwordSkitty Hello ShovelSuicune Snow Fox Fishing RodSylveon Moon WeaponTatsugiri Droopy Fishing RodTatsugiri Stretchy Fishing RodWartortle Charcoal Guardian Weapon